scvelo - RNA velocity generalized through dynamical modeling


Import scVelo as:

import scvelo as scv

After reading the data ( or loading an in-built dataset (scv.datasets.*), the typical workflow consists of subsequent calls of preprocessing (scv.pp.*), analysis tools (*) and plotting (*). Further, several utilities (scv.utils.*) are provided to facilitate data analysis.

Read / Load

read(filename[, backed, sheet, ext, …])

Read file and return AnnData object.

read_loom(filename, *[, sparse, cleanup, …])

Read .loom-formatted hdf5 file.

Preprocessing (pp)

Basic preprocessing (gene selection and normalization)

pp.filter_genes(data[, min_counts, …])

Filter genes based on number of cells or counts.

pp.filter_genes_dispersion(data[, flavor, …])

Extract highly variable genes.

pp.normalize_per_cell(data[, …])

Normalize each cell by total counts over all genes.

pp.log1p(data[, copy])

Logarithmize the data matrix.

pp.filter_and_normalize(data[, min_counts, …])

Filtering, normalization and log transform

Moments (across nearest neighbors in PCA space)

pp.pca(data[, n_comps, zero_center, …])

Principal component analysis [Pedregosa11].

pp.neighbors(adata[, n_neighbors, n_pcs, …])

Compute a neighborhood graph of observations.

pp.moments(data[, n_neighbors, n_pcs, mode, …])

Computes moments for velocity estimation.

Tools (tl)

Clustering and embedding (more at scanpy-docs)

tl.louvain(adata[, resolution, …])

Cluster cells into subgroups [Blondel08] [Levine15] [Traag17].

tl.umap(adata[, min_dist, spread, …])

Embed the neighborhood graph using UMAP [McInnes18].

Velocity estimation

tl.velocity(data[, vkey, mode, fit_offset, …])

Estimates velocities in a gene-specific manner.

tl.velocity_graph(data[, vkey, xkey, tkey, …])

Computes velocity graph based on cosine similarities.

tl.velocity_embedding(data[, basis, vkey, …])

Projects the single cell velocities into any embedding.

Dynamical modeling

tl.recover_dynamics(data[, var_names, …])

Recovers the full splicing kinetics of specified genes.

tl.differential_kinetic_test(data[, …])

Test to detect cell types / lineages with different kinetics.

Dynamical genes

tl.rank_velocity_genes(data[, vkey, …])

Rank genes for velocity characterizing groups.

tl.rank_dynamical_genes(data[, n_genes, …])

Rank genes by likelihoods per cluster/regime.

Pseudotime and trajectory inference

tl.terminal_states(data[, vkey, modality, …])

Computes terminal states (root and end points).

tl.velocity_pseudotime(adata[, vkey, …])

Computes a pseudotime based on the velocity graph.

tl.latent_time(data[, vkey, min_likelihood, …])

Computes a gene-shared latent time.

tl.paga(adata[, groups, vkey, …])

PAGA graph with velocity-directed edges.

Further tools

tl.velocity_clusters(data[, vkey, …])

Computes velocity clusters via louvain on velocities.

tl.velocity_confidence(data[, vkey, copy])

Computes confidences of velocities.

tl.score_genes_cell_cycle(adata[, s_genes, …])

Score cell cycle genes.

Plotting (pl)

Base scatter plot

pl.scatter([adata, basis, x, y, vkey, …])

Scatter plot along observations or variables axes.

Velocity embeddings

pl.velocity_embedding(adata[, basis, vkey, …])

Scatter plot of velocities on the embedding.

pl.velocity_embedding_grid(adata[, basis, …])

Scatter plot of velocities on a grid.

pl.velocity_embedding_stream(adata[, basis, …])

Stream plot of velocities on the embedding.

Velocity graph

pl.velocity(adata[, var_names, basis, vkey, …])

Phase and velocity plot for set of genes.

pl.velocity_graph(adata[, basis, vkey, …])

Plot of the velocity graph.

pl.paga(adata[, basis, vkey, color, layer, …])

Plot PAGA graph with velocity-directed edges.

Further plotting

pl.proportions(adata[, groupby, layers, …])

Plot pie chart of spliced/unspliced proprtions.

pl.heatmap(adata, var_names[, sortby, …])

Plot time series for genes as heatmap.

pl.hist(arrays[, alpha, bins, color, …])

Plot a histogram.



Pancreatic endocrinogenesis.


Dentate Gyrus neurogenesis.


Developing human forebrain.


Dentate Gyrus neurogenesis.


Mouse gastrulation.


Mouse gastrulation subset to E7.5.


Mouse gastrulation subset to erythroid lineage.


Human bone marrow.


Peripheral blood mononuclear cells.

datasets.simulation([n_obs, n_vars, alpha, …])

Simulation of mRNA splicing kinetics.


Get data by key

get_df(data[, keys, layer, index, columns, …])

Get dataframe for a specified adata key.

Get gene info

utils.gene_info(name[, fields])

Retrieve gene information from biothings client.

Data preparation

utils.cleanup(data[, clean, keep, copy])

Delete not needed attributes.

utils.clean_obs_names(data[, base, …])

Clean up the obs_names.

utils.merge(adata, ldata[, copy])

Merge two annotated data matrices.

utils.show_proportions(adata[, layers, use_raw])

Proportions of abundances of modalities in layers.


utils.get_moments(adata[, layer, …])

Computes moments for a specified layer.

utils.get_transition_matrix(adata[, vkey, …])

Computes cell-to-cell transition probabilities

utils.get_cell_transitions(adata[, …])

Simulate cell transitions

utils.get_extrapolated_state(adata[, vkey, …])

Get extrapolated cell state.



Retrieve ensembl IDs from a list of gene names.


Retrieve gene names from ensembl IDs.

Least squares and correlation

utils.leastsq(x, y[, fit_offset, perc, …])

Solves least squares X*b=Y for b.

utils.vcorrcoef(X, y[, mode, axis])

Pearsons/Spearmans correlation coefficients.

utils.test_bimodality(x[, bins, kde, plot])

Test for bimodal distribution.


set_figure_params([style, dpi, dpi_save, …])

Set resolution/size, styling and format of figures.